Vision: To be a family of faith becoming transformed in the love of Jesus Christ.

Wear whatever you are comfortable in. You'll see anything from dresses to jeans.

Fellowship Hour
Please join us after the service several Sundays a month for our Fellowship Hour. This gathering is a time to connect, laugh and build community while enjoying coffee and treats. Just head downstairs on Fellowship Sundays (by stairs or elevator) following the service and grab a treat and a seat!
Join us for worship
Every Sunday morning we come together as a church family to worship God and grow in our love and knowledge of Jesus Christ as we experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. We do this through singing together, praying together, listening to God's Word together, and hearing a timely message that applies the truth of God's Word to our everyday life. Our service can run anywhere from 65-75 minutes.
Communion at FPC
As a church, we receive communion on the first Sunday of every month during worship. Communion is a celebratory and symbolic act through which the people of God rehearse the story of God - that is, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter what denomination you come from or whether or not you are a current member here at FPC. This table is open to all those who have and desire to continue to put their faith in Jesus Christ and trust in him alone for their salvation.
Worship for the Whole Family
Young children (age 3-12) will be invited to the front stairs to hear the children’s message with Pastor Daniel, then can participate in Sunday School when it's offered or worship with their families. ​
Middle and High School aged students (age 13-18) are invited to be a part of our main worship service.​
Our sanctuary offers a family room (with a window and audio of the service) just off the lobby . The room is equipped with a rocking chair and toys if children have a hard time making it through the service.​
Hearing assistance devices are located on the table in the lobby near the bulletins. Ask one of our greeters to help you locate them.